Friday, November 25, 2005

A great day was had with sunshine and relaxing and a special Narnia delivery via Bruce & Joan! SO COOL! I’m going to put up a movie poster in my classroom!

Took each dog running separately, and for Storm it ended up being me dragging her along! HA! Don’t worry only for a short time.

Feelings of completeness making music mixes as well today, ah to become one with the music and spirit! WOOOOHOOOO!!! Somehow I made the absolute perfect mix of music this afternoon. Good, quality old and new songs, some heart felt, some shimmeying type of music.

So good! And to think it is only Friday barely halfway through this joyous break. Good to have time to be the self.

I put up Christmas lights after cleaning for a few hours. Let’s just say I/we don’t care about this rental as much as we should? We should? Hey! I guarantee we’ll be leaving it cleaner than it was when we moved in!

When we move in! Ahhh, just the sound of that in regards to Willow Fishhook Road (two “h’s” nice!). It is going to be unbelievably ridiculous and great when we are in the home once and for all. Joy!

I’m itching to get Christmas shopping officially going and wrapped, but alas for a more powerful experience I must receive my referee money.

Speaking of refs, I start that coaching deal Monday! It seems to be easier sounding than the other years of coaching.

Here are reasons why:
The season is only 2 months long – this before Christmas venture is really just me helping Varsity and practicing with my team.
I don’t have to drive the team in vans.
I share the gym with the “C” team (freshman) coach for 1 hour.
We share the gym for the 2nd hour doing full court all team participation.
Thus, not too much stress practice planwise. Just go with the flow there with the other coaches.

End of Blog thought: Did anyone hear about a fight breaking out over some after Thanksgiving Day sale in a Florida Walmart!??


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