Tuesday, November 15, 2005


So, it's been a fast time of the job. Parent conferences and today and tomorrow REFEREEING! I am actually out of the classroom all day tomorrow to REF! HA! HILARIOUS!

Woo to Mary the Icemelter Mike! Interesante! I'm pumped!

So nice to see Joan blog! And a Christmas list taboot! NEXT WEEK THANKSGIVING! Here are the holidays everyone! YES! YES! YES!

Justin, I caught your latest and it was so funny! I love the teaching scenes of course and I'm going to employ your techniques for sure. AWESOME! Dinosaur head rules.

Glad the floridians are back - saw there was a storm going through there this week. We up here are suppose to get 3 inches every day this week.

Matt.....to top Hodad's? Bold statement. Hands down still best (and richest as I like it) chocolate shake ever!

What else, what else. "The Office" is just too funny. We watched Kingdom of Heaven and Episode III this weekend for once! I think Episode III might be the best Star Wars..not sure.

Anyways, finally the school year settles in and you can be yourself outside of school, etc. Enjoying movies entirely b/c there's no grading or lessons priortized. I don't know, it's hard to explain. It's good!

So Kim Miles is having her little one Wednesday! Yay God!

Welp, tomorrow I'm busting a good day of a long subway lunch and snack time while reffing all day at the middle school.

MOM!?????????A HOUSE!??!?!??!? DO IT!?!?! ALL the details soon, I'll try to find my calling card!


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