Busy school!
Busy dogs!
Sad Astros :(
It's the end of the first quarter and it makes for fast days!
In more exciting news we met with the builder and by the end of next week our house will be completely plumbed, electrified, roofed, sided (siding), windows, and with real doors - to be locked for protection of construction equipment.
We are really impressed with it's size (and cozyness factor); our "master bedroom" upstairs is a lot wider and bigger than in the plans! It will fit a nice king size bed that we're not allowed to get until we're retired.....you know I'm against that statement from el Caseyo.
Something cool and crazed is that the guy who drilled our well several weeks ago turned around while at his truck one evening and a 7 foot black bear was about 20 feet from him before it ran away!!!!!!! WHAT?!?! ON OUR PROPERTY!
It was the only day he didn't have his shotgun too! Scary! Also, we had a huge woodpile stacked strong that got demolished by bears the other night on our property! I.....guess.....I......have to learn how to use a 250 Remington shotgun according to our funny realty guy Dustin.
Did you know that Willow (our hometown) has upped the hunting permits from one bear per year (to shoot) per person to three bears allowed per person b/c there are so many bears?!?! WHOA!
So, we should be able to shoot some bears and moose right on our property and eat them! And skin them, and then sit on them as rugs. Nice :)
Speaking of moose, Casey stepped outside our rental door last week at dusk and there was a huge mom moose with her calf about 10 feet from our front porch. Just chillin and eating grass, then running away when we officially came out to the truck. No wonder Bo was going whacko! He often does later at night and we wonder if a bear is on our porch.......
So, so, so, we have started the weekend early to boost the morale of our teacherhood. Pizza, 'stros, some online fun, dog fun, yeah, yeah, yeah.
About our dog: she is one sassy mo'! Hoppity skippity snipping at Bo and taunting him oh so cutely. She's so tiny! She is learning how to whine when she needs to go outside, and has already learned how to sit on command!
I'm about to get some pictures out via email if you're interested. I gotta get one of her flat on her stomach, sprawled out just chillin'! She's way more independent, self sufficient, and chilled out than Bo was/is. Just give her a new bone to chew on and she's good for hours........
Until Bo comes around and tackles her!
Even on the way home from Anchorage the other night she just layed in the middle seat and chewed on a bone, then fell asleep right by me. Like she's known us forever!
Sierra Front Storm on her birth certificate. We don't need any prepositions in her name from last blog, come on now.
Well, I must unwind a bit more and get the light out so the canines will sleep. Happy early weekend! OH YEAH!
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