Friday, October 14, 2005

Another week poofed up into the air! WHOAWOWWEE!

Chirpee weather hereadays, moutains almost completely covered from top to bottom.

It was payday today; we get paid every 2 weeks and really like it this way. God is good.

Just heard of a funny new medication called Boniva on tv just now. Hilarious! BONIVA! Just the sound of it, nothing to do with it purpose which I don't remember what it was. And man, Amy Grant's Three Wishes is so SO touching...ahhhhhh!!!!!

This week in class I demonstrated prepositional phrases with a sestet (six line) poem of, "There, that's me....I was at the running of the bulls and I fell....I started saying I was falling...." It was funny to me at least and I showed a clip from the movie. You know which movie maybe?

Five bonus points for anyone who can translate this lyric:

"He's a Boey-tist, a Boey-tist of ladies....."

Hint: mad props to Matt who brought Purple Tupee into our lives circa 1990ish.

And the Digital Underground and Public Enemy albums. I was just thinking of those days tonight......George Harrison, "Got My Mind Set on You" long ago!

And now to end a blog on some amazing lyrics:
"Hopeless bleak despair, it was always there, and then one day it a puff of smoke, in an unceremonious way, one day it disappeared..." YAH! I interpret it as Cristo es mi Salvador!


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