Tuesday, December 10, 2002

This morning Mary ACTUALLY got up early! 10 minutes early at 7 A.M. It was so weird and felt great with just that little extra time.

You wouldn't know it but I pretend to get up every morning to run! HA! NEVER DO!

But oh my, one time at Evergreen I actually did go running at 6:30 A.M. It was refreshing, awesome, fun. Then a 1/2 mile later, I found out the Harroun Park right by my apartment, near Flower Hospital, was flooded from the spring rains.

Nah, it's not that deep, my eyes tell me. Two steps later it's 3 feet deep and getting deeper. I fell to neck level, with a huge yellow sweatshirt now drenched. With it FREEZING and early spring! LAUGHING hysterically all the 1/2 mile jog home. Yet, delirious with sleep brain and drenching.

To top it all off, my professional career took a dive as I was late 18 minutes the next morning being woken up by the secretary: "Mary, ...Mary are you coming in today?"---DROP THE PHONE AND RUN! ARGH! STUPID! --all b/c I was so tired from getting up early.

Moral of the story: don't get up early! HA!

Speaking of Evergreen, some of my old buddies called me last night and it was an uplifting time. I miss those peeps. Teaching and coaching there was so easy, settled, and comfortable after 2 years what else could it be.

I got the notion of "why would I leave that?" ----this is so MUCH work starting over and being crazy headed every day with lessons. But alas, it is worth it. Being out here with so much opportunity and newness, not to mention just living it up with Casey! AWESOME!

P.s. I'm going rock climbing this Friday at Yosemite (indoor rock climbing) Fitness center. Then in Feb. we hope to go snowboarding at Yosemite, the Sierra Mts.

It was great growing up in Ohio and I miss my family a lot. Yet, I have absolutely NO inclination to live there ever again :) Visiting of course, live there? Not unless God wants it :)

GUESS WHAT! Casey and I might get a very, very, very cute St. Bernard puppy from Coach English at Evergreen (I was his assistant last year..) Anyways, word has it that his two amazingly cute St. Bernards had 9 puppies last week, and they'll be ready to give away Dec. 20th.

Hmm....who knows, A LOT OF RESPONSIBILITY with that, and dog hair, but they are so supposedly layed back....WE'LL SEE ! --byebye for now


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