Monday, February 09, 2004

A reel good day. The career lady is in my classroom all week, for the whole period. Thus, I have a cake walk. And have I mentioned we don't have school ALLLLLLL next week!??!?!!!

Speaking of cake....Michelle...I say chuck those items. How many items do we need to remember the wedding day. No doubt pictures and even video cameras record everything we need to remember of it.

Let alone there are so many other bigger and better memories that we cherish and base our "symbol of marriage" on besides the little cake toppers and whatnots.

Well, I'm going to Pilate it up again! This week is chill out week on food b/c next week is Vegas and that's a smorgesbourgh (bad spell) of buffets and yummy yum chops!

P.s. if you have never done pilates or think it's too much money ($70 for 5 DVD wkots), I would say who cares and get it! IT WORKS SO AWESOME! You get done and you're immediately sore, even though you feel like you did nothing.

20 min. workout and 3 days later, wow. So weirdly awesome!


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