Friday, September 01, 2006

2 weeks of school complete and only 15 until Christmas! Sounds so close and good!

The children are of almost a rare quality of delight, meaning all amiable and right off the bat accepting of summer being over and actually sitting through an English class and enjoying themselves without sass!

MTV music awards make me puke, but then again basically all musical taste of the mainstream does. Let's not get started with the radio stations up here.....

Instead of going with my original plan of a 4 p.m. bed time, Casey and I mustered up some energy to clean the garage. It was one of our preliminary necessities for our next house guests. Sinbad! Hahahahha, get it movie lovers?

No, no, my padres! Yes! And Dad your birthday is nearing!

Well, I'm watching Las Vegas as usual for a Friday night, and really wondering why I tried to blog b/c I am quite shattered - Clare Horgan.

Hope all is settling well for Matteo and Trace! Have a great Labor Day weekend all!


At 10:59 PM, Blogger justinkenya said...

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At 11:01 PM, Blogger justinkenya said...

yes you can use your film SLR and learn the same things! the only thing is you don't get the luxury of checking to see if "you got the shot" - ya have to wait until developing.

i only have lesson 1 up there now anyway. if you get those down pack, a quick lesson in composition and you'll be on your way!

just try your best to understand the relationship between shutter speed and aperture and what they do to your image. that's the key!

shutter speed - controls action (stopping it or capturing it (motion blurring))

aperture controls focus (a lot in focus, a little in focus - this is also called the Depth of Field)

get a proper exposure setting (probably a green light when you hold the button halfway) by adjusting those 2 things, then know that if you switch one you have to switch the other to make sure exposure remains good to go.

for instance: shooting at 1/30th of a second with the aperture at f8 is fine. but if you want to take a "faster picture" (to stop the action more) and switch the shutter speed to 1/60th of a second, you've suddently cut the amount of light for exposure in half!

that means you have to open the aperture 1 f-stop ( f5.6 in this case) to allow more light to make up for the light that you cut in half by taking a faster picture.

Read those paragraphs over and over again until you get it, then you're all set! and check the lessons for more in depth understanding of those silly numbers.

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Mary said...

thanks J! and so weird that it says I have 2 comments again but they don't show up, ha!

At 1:08 PM, Blogger justinkenya said...

i left the first comment but itmessed up so i deleted it. oopS!


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