Well wonderfully, I don't have to pay 10 pounds to sleep-in, in my own home!
We have been lounging around just getting used to the time difference here in Alaska, me and Casey's family that is. Casey's parents were delayed in Salt Lake for several hours before they could get into Anchorage.
I myself was almost stranded in Dallas' sweltering and humongous airport. First the automatic pilot needed fixed, and while that was being fixed for a half hour there was no air conditioning on the plane. So they tried to fix that too.
After taxi'ing all the way across the large, LARGE airport we had to go back to fix our air conditioning for real. While trying to fix that they decided that the rutter was malfunctioning. 2 and a 1/2 hours later and feeling like passing in my second middle seat of the second almost double digit flight length, somehow I'm in Alaska right now....
NICE TO BE HOME! And I don't feel like flying until the year 2014! wink, wink that one to Michelle and Tracey. And a double reverse wink, wink freak out to the feeling of 2014 even existing......?!?
Well, we have all our food and festivities for the weekend of my birthday! WHOA! Already!? Okay, then. Great! We'll celebrate with a nice store made cake and ice cream, and I have chosen Casey's excellent cheeseburgers for my meal. YUM!
Side bar: dad you have to check out The Pipettes! I will send you a disc next week sometime!
The trip:
I have successfully loaded all 800 pics from mine and MattandTracey's pictures from the memory cards and pods! SO MANY GOOD ONES!
The trip report shall go as follows if I can get some more gumpsion focus to pursue it:
Regular blog report, plus, a country of a report each entry. Italy. Switzerland. Ireland. Scotland. England.

We stayed right by the Vatican! Seems really safe, right?

A good 4 hours in Gus O'Conner's Pub in Doolin, Ireland, waiting for the traditional Irish music!

One of the most amazing days at the beach in western Ireland!

Myself in the underground escalator scene!
After organizing and settling.....more for you all to view and absorb later!
Amazing Mary! Can't wait to hear more!
freaking sweet, mary!
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