Thursday, July 17, 2003

Stolen quote of feeling today: "the world can wait-over the rhine" (from Tracey's blog).

Just feeling the relaxing big time!

And Tracey maybe the new insect you heard was a bunch of rattle snakes!?! Ahhhh!

Mom, glad you're there safely and truly out of control on the seat cover! OH MY!

Today, we all got up WAY TOO EARLY, at 8 am and went to Maumee for a doctor's visit (for casey and amanda).

Casey wanted to see if there was any new damage to his arm and ligaments that were repaired 5 years or so ago. All seemed good, but the same deterioration from pitching so much was there, so he'll rehab during his throwing workouts this school year.

We ate at Boston Market and OH MY! Sweet potatoes were SO amazing, I mean SO so so GOOOOOOD! I've missed them, and one we went to in Cali did not have sweet potatoes.

What's that about?

Dad, I'll be there around noon, callyasometime.


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