Thursday, August 14, 2003

Let me tell ya:

Room 110 is complete. Lotsa dusting took place. Now, copies, copies, copies.


Working on a package for 1040 :) As well as a couple letters that got the shaft b/c of work? HORRIBLE RUDENESS!

Here's some thought as I am totally immersed (or emersed?) in SCHOOL:

That was the best month of any vacation ever! With my family! With old friends!

Again: Whattan amazing capability of a teacher and getting the summer off!

Now will my luck with grad school/teaching work out like that! IT'S MY GOAL!

Otherwise, I really want to get certified in P.E.!

Now, I'm just blabbing. It's almost 10:30 p.m. and I'm hanging on by a thread, with all the working thoughts there could be.

But praise God for a work ethic that I've never had till after college. Love you all! And hey Mike or Justin email about your days lately, or just blog 'em!


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