Saturday, October 09, 2004

"No fires allowed"

We drove up early this morning, after grabbing Bo in his duffle bag (just kidding on all that), and read the above signs everywhere.

Apparently it is still fire season, and they had several fires this summer up by Yosemite.

After exploring to confirm this no fire thing, we finally decided to go home :(

We were both looking forward to this time away! But it wouldn't be the same without a crackling campfire to sit and fall asleep by.

So, at 10 a.m. and Mary went back to sleep for a long time! I have some sinus issues, but only in the morning or at night. I am feeling better already :)

Casey worked on his last online Alaska class that he hopes to finish by Thanksgiving! YAHOO! The rest of this evening, we organized and cleaned up the whole house, and I got rid of a huge bag of stuff to sell, and packed one box.

Side comments: Tracey I am revamping my list of things to do, into one "for real" list :) I shall bore you all with highlights from that later in life.

Guitar and photography class have been on my list for years now too, it's time to get going huh!?

I'm so pumped you're taking a ceramics class. I love ceramics! One of my Evergreen friends made me this sweet one we use in our bathroom!

Michelle! I was so socially and fashionably illiterate I never got into the cool styles you and Trace did. I did peg my jeans a lot though in 7th and 8th grade, what a raging thing that was.


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