Saturday, October 02, 2004

'Twas the night before the triathlon and all through the mind was anxious waiting and mind preping!

Tracey and I are so excited! We practiced our transitioning several times tonight, which entailed running from the bottom floor of their condo in our wetsuits, swim caps, and goggles (very alienesque) up to our makeshift "bike station" on the 2nd floor.

You see our bikes will be in a transition area tomorrow where, after we swim 1/2 a mile, we will have to get our wetsuits off, running gear on over our regular swimsuits, running shoes and socks on, a bit of water, and off on our bikes!


I love these things! Whenever I watch Survivor or Amazing Race or something, I wish I was doing the competition instead of the schmoes who do get to do them (Michelle you still going for that Amazing Race?)

I have such a competitive spirit! How fun is this event! YES!

So it's 10:30 p.m. but it feels like 2 a.m.

You know those dead silent hours of wait, whether it be for an "early leave" trip, for a word from God, for a caffeine annoyance of Pepsi to go away, or for a thoughtful writing session.

Changing gears: (to an 8 and 3 on my mt. bike for tomorrow--dumb training joke between my brain and I)

It looks like Tracey and I are going to do a Muddy Buddy competition this October 24th in San Jose! I've been wanting to do one of these for 2 years now (since I read about it when we moved out here).

You have a partner and at the starting gun one person runs, and one person bikes. There are 6 obstacles throughout the course and you must go over them, climb them, get through them, whatever they are.

Meanwhile your bike has been dropped and left for your partner who is running (slowly behind you) to pick it and bike the next mile. Sounds confusing, but AWESOME!


The grand finale is a huge, HUGE MUD PIT that you and your partner have wade through with your bike and head to the finish line together!

Read about it here:

I should get to sleep! Will update as soon as we get back here tomorrow morning 10 a.m.-ish! Our race wave starts at 7:35 a.m. so be thinking about us. We're in the 25-29 year old wave! Bright green swim caps for beginners!

Picture the hilarity! :)


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