Monday, September 27, 2004

Gross to this day!

I was just feeling like--ugh, I don't want to be up front (of class) today at all. Then it was like oh, it is Monday isn't wonder.

but NOT ANY MORE! Yes, a good victory to pass by, I coast from here on out!

2 away tennis matches requiring only 3 of 5 classes to be taught those days, Friday I cut out early due to 2 teacher buddies covering me that afternoon. We call it a "favor" b/c the office doesn't really know or care, and the buddies don't get paid the extra $11 slop pay for it.

Did you want all that explanation?

Something funny today was my T.A. (teacher's assistant--who is a senior in high school) ...was making a video for some class, and then proceeded to make a video of me being a spazy freak in 5th period today. It was funny b/c I was in the middle of making fun of the class, then telling them I will only see them one out of the next 5 class meetings! then other weird whatnots, that I didn't even know I was doing. HA!

Guess you'd have to be there (or see the video?) not really though.

Side bar: Casey dislocated his wrist lifting (weights) a couple weeks ago. A quick slop to the chiropractor today and it's all good (?). Yeah I'm shocked too that the chiropractor can do this. Yet I do know you (Tracey) have benefitted from facial chiropractics for sinus problems...or well maybe not so...heh, nevermind.

Looks like some people need a shout out ---> if you're reading this and not updating YOURS!? FREELOADERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy 3-1 tomorrow padres!

I'm off to preview "The Crucible" movie to be shown/taught to American Literature students later this week. Apologies for the incomprehensible ramble today in la bloggia de la torre y maria's.

p.s. did any of you know I sucked my finger until I was 11 years old? Hey! At least it wasn't pee, but those (teeth) braces cost a lot huh mom and dad? not sure why that thought came to the head.


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