Our house plot and area has been cleared of trees and brush and flattened out, dirt padding, for it's concrete foundation!
I really want to send some photos, in addition to other ones of our schools' outside appearances, but alas I am lazy and do not like our PC anymore (yahoo dumb no compat for mac pics). Thanks for the iBook though Dad! Love it! ;)
So, we have an odd shaped piece of land as in it is shaped like a huge triangle. We were shocked about where our builder did the clearing, but after further review it looks to be in the center of the triangle with room to add on and still have the forest scenary. It's neat to see it from day one either way :)
We are most excited too about having a medium to large garden! It is guaranteed to attract bratty moose stealing the veggies! So we'll shoot one, we'll shoot two and call one "mine" even though Casey will have to shoot it probably. This is all next year b/c we aren't "residents" until next summer and the hunting license is only like $70 as opposed to the $400 this year. OUCH!
Well, it's into our 3rd day we go!
It's been a fast, fast, speedy two days of school. There are shortened class periods, announcements, interruptions, office ladies needing specific attendance counts, and to top it all off it's their Homecoming week!
Tomorrow is Hat Day, so I thought I'd wear my hair in a bun b/c it looks like a hat.
The football team has already had 3 or 4 games in order to make it through a season with only a few games in that weather.
As far as the actual days of teacherness, I was a little overwhelmed after day 1 which was directly reflectant of "the brick wall syndrome" called, "I sat around all summer doing whatever I wanted and now this full force deal of chaos and people and bells and students and curriculum." Ahhhhhh!
But no worries my people! It was a great 2nd day, and a great 1st day for that matter! Just have to get used to........being a teacher..........again. :)
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