Greetings all from my new internet haven of school usage.
I have some moments to take a breath after holding it for the past 2 weeks.
Last week: house drama, stress, upheaval
This week: basketball overscheduling of away games and team drama
Neither, pronounced NIE - THER with a long I sound appropriately. OH NO, that's a sign of being immersed in English lesson plans a few too long this afternoon.
Neither of the sitches above are that detrimental to my spirits of happy house warming. It is a pure joy to wake up and to go to bed in our house. And yes, that is about the only thing I get to do....
But alas it is a pure joy, joy, happy, happy.
I have missed, and am missing, and will miss blog frequency, phone calls, and connection in general for a few weeks at least as we look into satellite/cable internet capacities.
As for phones, if you shall not know yet, we will not have a land line until June. Thus, the pukey cell phone happened to us, and it only works at different times of day at the very tippy portion of our great room and/or outside on the deck. Yeah, 20 below.
Next thing: our "C" team coach up and left (had to) for his prior engagement of working on a southeast Alaska cruise line tour. When they call, he has to go. Point being, I must coach some extra games since he is gone...for extra money.....I guess not...
All in all it is great living up here in OUR HOUSE. When we left the rental the last time Sunday afternoon it was a shocker of YESYESYESYESYES!
Hope to communicate with you all soon! I'm sorry I have not been able to yahoomail or blog for like 2 weeks or something it seems! We have to go the public library to do so and bball beckons the time. It's oddly freeing to have no phone, internet, tv, or even radio besides car.
Odd. NICE!
I do miss you all! Talk to you soon. p.s. pics/video to follow via snail mail
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