We've had a great weekend with the parents hanging out in our great room with good food and a roaring and sleepy-making fire glow.
Here's a movie list we conquered: 1156 still pic gallery, Defiance Prize Winner, Family Stone, The Sentinel, Ella Enchanted (for milli-minutes), and School for Scoundrels (a matinee today).
#1 in my mind: 1156
School for Scoundrels was okay. Renter or free'er.
Side news: instead of waiting 50 million downloading minutes for podcast catch up, I just nabbed them all in one fell swoop from dad's comp. One fell swoop.

Tomorrow besides something called school, more excitedly there is Anchorage for an afternoon of relaxing and hanging out for a few more hours together until the airport.

Weekend favorites:
Costco preparation shopping, smiling anticipation of our time together
Warm fires as the sun went down
Leather couch naps, chats, and movie watching
Leaf crushing walks with all and then with mom only
The dogs getting loose then mom disappearing inside ;)
Dog buddies with one and all
Crisp air and sunshine - happy holidays are around the corner!
Catch! Not something I get to do as much as I want! Must have a softball team next year!
It was fun!
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