Saw "Night at the Museum" yesterday in theater, then we rented "The Black Dahlia". Ahh, break, a time for relaxing and movie intake!
Night at the Museum (I've given up on putting the names in quotes) was actually pretty funny - predictable, but silly and nice for family time. There's a museum caretaker British guy that is hilarious, but he only has like 5 lines. I was the only one in the 7 year old/parent audience who died laughing cacklingly outloud at the dude. HA!
The Black Dahlia is Scarlett Johansen (small part) and Josh Hartnett in old time Hollywood and a famous murder story. Although the movie was fictional, and let me add had overly twisted storylines, it was neat to see old Hollywood and the sorts. Sort of reminded me of The Aviator but with more dark murder stuff. Has anyone seen Hollywoodland? I saw a preview of it on the Dahlia dvd and wondered if it was any good - can any Affleck movie be worthwhile?
Yesterday on the radio I heard a sci-fi broadcast interview with Ray Bradbury. Although I'm sick of teaching his short stories to teenagers who don't want to hear it, he had some great motivational advice to the new breed of writer's out there. You know like I'm setting my sights on!
Well, I'm in the middle of a huge straighten up the house ordeal, getting ready for Justin! WOOO! Casey is across the Mat-Su Valley playing in a men's bball league. You know we, the Mat-Su Valley, are only 15 miles directly north of Anchorage, Alaska? But yet, the highway system must follow the curves and placements of the mountains and water ways double equalling = an hour or more drive! Fun fact!
Tomorrow I have bball practice to sort of remind me again that I have a job or something. Hope you're all doing swell as the new year approaches!
"It always protects, it always trusts, it always hopes and perseveres, yeah that's love."
That would be Ricky Gervais, right, who created The Office, in Night at the Museum.
You will have to find a way to record 24 while watching Heroes while Justin is there!
Missing you!
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