Sunday, November 12, 2006

A 2 Blogs in One Day Day!

The past couple weeks I’ve been *truly (more on purpose) embracing the good Lord and it’s turned into a sort of Karnov (video game) “power up” scenario.

Only my scenario does not involve morphing from a two legged standing wolf, to another two legged snout looking creature. I’m still a human being. And as I push the B button and jump up in the air to collect the red bubble bead-like graphic, a deep video game voice says, “POWER UP”.

And so it’s …
Like bring it on!
Like here we go!
Like puffed up spirit! – the good puff, not puffed pridelike
Like alrighty, I’ll take it, I can take it, let’s do this Lord!
Oh my, okay, yeah, it’ll be good. Will do, sure. Okay then. Left and right.

In contrast to the above roller coastering, I’ve been enjoying the new perspective, but the circumstances, oh the little circumstances that sprout everywhere as soon as you commit. It’s oh so comical when viewing it from Wormwood’s perspective (Screwtape Letters). Recognizably laughable.

But its oh so light, airy and really colorful to live it out moment by moment with the Lord. Trust. That’s the real way I’d summarize it as: Trust, and well flat out Belief.

Ah well, most all of you readers have no doubt been revamped like so. Wouldn't it be nice to string many revamps all together, all at once for one longer revampification time of bliss, trust, belief?

It would make life continually perfect and nice and trustworthy in Him, letting go all that is not of Him. That’s something to strive for: many, many revamps until one day when we’re 80 yeah yeah yeah no bad tudes or outlooks ...

Wait, wait, let’s not get ahead of it all though… you do know that will never happen right? Until Heaven. But why not try it again today?! To reconnect, to see for the first time, to “POWER UP!” And don't try any farther than that, just let it be that!

Woo! Karnov! What a video game - at least the first level that I never got passed, but powering up was accomplishment enough! Thank God for more than just Karnov, more than this earth, more than ourselves and our circumstances.

Changing gears to five mini-topics:
1. Is it strange to say, “Talk to you later.” right after someone else has just said, “Talk to you later.” I did that on the phone with my mother-in-law tonight and thought it hysterical if someone just learning English was listening, you know like Bo and Storm. Talk to you later. Talk to you later. I just said that, is that acceptable Storm?

2. Here’s a random serious question directed toward dear African travelers that I know. I need it answered, but lazily will not look it up:

Does Africa have turtles/tortoises? If so, are they plentiful? Are they large in stature?

3. Dad, will there ever be a Green Lantern movie? If so, will it be properly done? *I really like number one on the cd you gave me – do you know which song it is?

4. Does anyone own the Narnia DVD?

5. I like John Cougar Mellancamp’s “This is Our Country” Chevy truck commercial, sing songy, USA pridefully good lyrics, overplayed.

If you made it this far in these long blog words, here’s a special challenge competition to participate in:

PRIZE WILL BE AWARDED!!!!! (shamelessly copying your blog competition that one month dad :)

What negative degree do you guess our thermometer will read tomorrow morning (Monday, Nov.13)? *Hint: check out blog 1 from earlier today below. Closest answer wins.


At 10:57 PM, Blogger Michael said...

Karnov. What a great game!

But "Power up!" was in Altered Beast, remember?


What a Christian game, eh?

At 4:19 AM, Blogger Bruce in Alaska said...

Yes, Yurtles in Africa.

I say -18

As to the song, the CD came in a case with the songs listed, so check there!

xoxoox -- Dad

At 5:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary, I guess -8!! Also, your pics are beautiful! Reading your blog is so much better than working! Your blog is...blogolicious!
-Emily G :)

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Mary said...

That's right! Altered Beast! Same genre I guess though.

Karnov was that huge fat sumo wrestler guy, now that I think about it again!

At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just left a comment on the following entry but meant it for this one. Go read it.



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