Thursday, October 05, 2006

"Delanie Payne it's your time to shine! Please read the sentence and give us your answer!"

And I tell that student her name could be the next big band name on the alternative *punk* scene minus the sloppyness in such a label of music.

"Your name could be the next big band name that Jesus creates!" Um....what was that try trying to be?

So there's a time to shine theme going on in my mind.

Optimum shine. Sparkle!

Some allowances must be made. Allow.

Priorities are landing where they may in chip like fashion. Movements stirring just like the two 4.3 earthquakes today 15 miles east and 15 miles west, directionally from Willow.

I'm off to very anal retentively prepare some pancake batter, 5 blueberries, and 2 large strawberries for my new Friday morning routine! Mini-pancakes with fruit and a large hot chocolate. It shall be a deliciously delightful drive through the 5 A.M. morning commute darkness.

Identify the alliteration in that last sentence and you get an A for the day!

Happy Friday you all! Live it up!


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