Today Casey and I got up really early to take our PT Cruiser rental car back to the dealer. We rented it b/c the truck's getting fixed till this Thursday. And we wanted to take it back and just use the Jeep to save money on the rental. Turns out our truck warranty covers a rental car until we get the truck back! NICE! Wish the lady had a clue on Saturday, so today's second trip wouldn't have been made! Argh! But fun!
We found Old Navy to have 2.50 cent type deals and we found tons of stuff! Excellent! We also took advantage of a bakery gift certificate from our friends. Very good bread and cookies redeemed!
So Justin slept in and hung out at home till we got back around 2 p.m. and saw that Mt. McKinley was out and clearly visible with the sunlight. So we kidnapped Justin from the house and showed the array of picture taking opportunities. We've seen it better and more magnificent but Justin may not have had any other opportunity to see it again with winter clouds, etc.
Off to workout, eat dinner, get ready for school, and play catan! WOO!
This is my admittedly "need a tan" picture :( boohoo, dead of winter scene! Good thing no one else has a tan up here! HA! HA!

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