After a few practices this week, it's time for a nice long weekend before that hovering Monday deal. Back to school.
2 weeks off is just what we needed, and we are feeling quite refreshed and ready to get the school moving and over. Half way done? Don't blink is what my mind tried to advise me just a few short months ago. WHOA!
It always goes blurryingly for me if I don't write during life. I looked back on the journal yesterday and saw that September and October were non-existent in writing reflection form. Oh well! December writing has been a jumpstart of quality there, currently accounting for half of my 4 month old journal.
Here's me all bundled up and maneuvering 2 dogs through 3 feet + of snow in our front yard.

We have been getting a good 6-8 inches dumping at least once a week. It's winter then? Seriously, after living in California, the weather just flat out doesn't phase (faze?) me at all. Weird, but good. Not good when it's -24 though like yesterday :
So to record properly (more for me sorry), this break I accomplished the following:
-organized many paper pushing house piles
-organized a few closets
-wrote and read lots
-ate great Casey food
-watched about 20 movies
-sat with black and white dogs
-embraced the fun Christmas deliveries for several days
-moose meat pizza - hands down one of the best pizzas ever, better than Mombasa? better than Italy's or Joan's? it's close
have a good weekend - peace!
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