Sunday, March 04, 2007

It is finished. Well, my JV coaching that is.

I'm looking forward to this week though, b/c of the Varsity regional tournament (skip school 2 days!) In Ohio its Sectionals, Districts, Regionals, State. In Alaska, just regionals and state. Not too many people and schools up here you know.

On another hand with this week, I have to go to a "dropout rate conference" all day Tuesday and then we'll be gone for bball! WHOA! Remember when I was a teacher? I don't ....and substitute teachers....notoriously bad and messy :( Oh well, SPRING BREAK STARTS THIS FRIDAY AFTERNOON FINALLY!!!!

Today is a day for rest, laundry, tv, computer, dogs, music, and relaxing. Nice! A bit chilly lately with -26's going on. GROSS! Common place push for one last week of winter cold before the thawing starts. Note this: very sunny = very cold!

side bar: no bball tournament out of state this Christmas at all - athletic director scheduled too much else without the input of the new coach b/c I'm not the new coach yet - must wait till after regionals! ahhhh!

Hope you're all still enjoying life! bye bye now


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