Saturday, January 11, 2003

This afternoon I went to a teacher pals to scrapbook and it was fun to mingle a bit. Yet, I only got 3 pages done on my Hawaii scrapbook.

The latter end of this week has been recovering from time change, work, and prob. jet lag/travel stress. Thus, Thursday night I slept from 5 pm till midnight, then from like 1230 am till morning 7 am. AWESOME! It was like a blink of the eye to me, which isn't always good, but it got me to Friday didn't it!

I got Jane Youngpeter's wedding invite in the mail today and it was a very cool invitation itself. I'm tossing around the idea of coming home for it March 7 -9 th.....tossing is the key word.

This particular Saturday evening has been relaxing with some While you were out episdodes, and cleaning of the house. Organizing scrapbook stuff though is more the reality.

Plus! Casey and I are planning to go snowshoeing next weekend at Yosemite, as we have that Monday off like everyone I presume. AWESOME! Not quite snowboarding, but we plan on smoothing out that type of trip details while we're up there.

Mom and dad I have been praying for your trip and for your nerves. I hope you get to enjoy this weekend with last minute football and sewing or sleeping...etc.

MATT! Tell me about your surf board Pllllleeeeease!! And awesome! Casey and I are working on getting our hitch fixed and ready for some spring biking. Also, add some bike helmets on there as well. We'll head your way sometime before you can get a hitch (whatnot)

Also, Matt, your new name is McGruff (the crime dog) b/c you help take a bite out of chapstick! Sorry I just die laughing when I think of that, wishing I had that on video.

Justin and Mike have fun in your bachelor pad!


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