Friday, May 09, 2003

Justin, I'm proud of you!

Unbelievable, how I haven't posted since Tuez...and SOFTBALLLLLLL IS OVER!!!!!!!!!

We won tonight, and if the top team lost to another good team tonight, we are cochamps for the little JV league. If not we'll be the only sport not to win league this spring. :(

Tonight, I got back from my game and went to play Bunko. I'm not sure but this seems to be like a game Tricia Wulff's mom played back in the day ----and we'd all go, "Bunko, what in the world is that weirdness?".

But its really fun with rolling three dice trying to get yahtzee like things in partners. Best part: you can win up to $30. Only bad thing: I haven't won yet (you put $10 in each (once a) month to play).

Does Tricia read this? Whattan eavesdropper if so! HA! jk'in you wulffmeister!

And does Timbrook really think I would conform to such a farm, donkey basketball playing town like Chow?

Sure let pig, sheep, and dairy lovers live it up here! But I myself, simply coexist pretending I don't hear my players talking about how you have to check the cow's colon with your hand.


Other tidbits:
Mike hope you get the job.
What mom, no shipshe details? Happy pre mom day!
Michelle that's great you're having a girl! Did you guys care what she would be?


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