Monday, September 08, 2003

Monday. It's over.

Dad's blog was best! Here's some things I enjoyed most: "Would we look like dorks?(at Jacob's Field)"

"and pants—I could pick the length, long or shorter. I took long."

Also, the description of the 30 yr. olds bringing aluminum bats! HA!

And great pics! Can't wait to see pics and hear the real action this January! Dirt batting cages!? GREAT CLEATS! Are they high enough for the ankle support?

So Mike & Justin! You get to go to SIXPENCE!? I'm so jealous! Do report on it later :)

Matt, total agreement on the new Outkast songs. He (they) is sweet!

Bringing Down the House was truly a mistake. Sad part: we purchased it b/c it was only $4 more dollars than renting!

ARGH! Blockbuster monopoly here in town!

I like how you use "epic" to describe certain things. And "(getting a) haircut so that I can look pretty for Jeb’s wedding" was a riot.

Oh Justin and Mike, as soon as you cut the cd, send it over here!

So not much to report on my behalf obviously. It's a good thing you guys had cool stuff to react to! mamamia, I'm out!


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