Saturday, September 13, 2003

Slept from 5 pm to 7 am. Now, we're going to the mountains to explore "hike in" campgrounds.

Matt and Trace, we'll need to hit the Santa Cruz Islands sometime too. (of course talk, talk, talk...but adventures shall happen).

I think that would be the ultimate of "hike in" camping on an island!

Carl's moving! WHO WILL BUY HIS HOUSE! MOM AND DAD please, pleeeeeeease buy it!? It's where we can all meet!

Ah, ha. Mike the picture before the concussions and neck injuries---"Let's go sledding everyone!" That was fun though!

I had a dream about going back to Warren Dunes; the big, long "hike to the lake" dune was all changed in shape. Basically the same though, so everyone and I hiked it with glee & hard work.

Then at the top of it there was another little lake that had formed, and people were surfing in that pond, with the comparison of the real lake still 1/2 mile off.

Weird, and I miss that place.


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