Thursday, November 06, 2003

Today was weird.

One of Casey's (lower minded) students was wrongly handcuffed for a long story, and we had to "LOCKDOWN" our school.

Lock everything and let noone in. False alarm though, but weird and somewhat scary.

Then a good student/athlete somehow fell while horsing around with a friend. They both fell and the she hit her head on the concrete going into seisures immediately and being ambulenced out.---not sure how serious even.....

Anyways, @ practice the head maintenance guy, kicked us out of practice early for a new floor clearner bla bla, and that was super annoying.

On other lighter sides, Casey is going to build a truck contraption for hauling our canoe and bikes solidly into the truck bed. Weird to explain, but he and the shop teacher are going to weld it all.

Neato mosquito. By the way, truck in approx. 2 weeks.

JUSTIN WAY TO UP'n decide for the concert! Shininger (friend o'mine) and I did that with a Cranberries concert in Indy. And I had already seen the Crans in concert the Thursday and Friday before that 3rd Saturday of UP'n GO!

Kewl. Ewe, that spelling is sick-o. Dad have fun! I'll end on a good quote: "take that scrub and get off me"


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