Thursday, January 01, 2004

Stayed up till 4 am last night and organized all my scrapbook and letter writing supplies.

Very fun, very draining.

Good news: I'm about 1 hour away from finishing, yeah I said FINISHING, my entire DC bball scrapbook. If you knew how much stuff I've collected and stored all these years for it you'd be proud of me.

Let's just say a "Clean Sweep" marathon on HGTV has gotten me even more psycho with purging the junk!

Hey, to all you who have your own home, feel blessed! B/c I'm so sick and tired of a boring, SUPER SMALL place where I can put no extra shelves or storage in! ANNOYING! Let alone no painting.

I was thinking how cool it would be to make my own, cheesy public television version of "Clean Sweep" up in Anchorage in a couple years. Like make my own little business---except I would have to learn or hire for carpentrey.

Cool. For some reason I have always, always loved organizing, cleaning, and interior design--especially floor plans!

Well, I didn't update my game (webpage) from Tuesday. Partly b/c I had not stat peeps that day, so there's nothing really to report. WE LOST! (current record: 4-3)

Tomorrow we play at 2:30 p.m. pacific standard time. The loser's bracket, ugh. Best we can do is 5th out of 8th! GROSS! (we start league play in a week and that's all that matters).

This JV squad o'mine won the league last year---looking for repeat! COME ON! I hate sometimes feeling like you're jinxed with winning.

Anyone playing at BG (or even DC) might know this stupid feeling. CHOKE! And my JV softy team last spring got 2nd place! SO DUMB! :)

To end on a positive. No school for many, many, MANY more hours!


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