Today was a nice sleep in at 912 Holgate - Ohio world! 12 noon happened after getting up at 7 or 8 every day since thee arrival.
The trip home thus far has been good, good, good. We started off with a big bang. The big bang that started the universe and we became apes first.
Day one had 3 or 4 breakfasts minus 2 (?) and a 7.1 megapixal camera!
Next: My love......TARGET! WOO! Pink postage stamp sized music pod! Earphones!
A Canton, Michigan, Ikea run through was timed for 20 minutes - difficult but done. Then off through busy Detroit traffic and a super hot sunny day of baseball. The first three innings were great and Indians-ful. The rest was my collapse of exhaustion and lots of standing wedding party people in the next row of seats. No viewage of the game from that point on, left in the 7th.
This weekend's wedding recap:
Friday rehearsal was a nice drop off of dad practice and mom and gramps applebees yum yum chop. After a bit of clam baked sitting around, we went back to the nice Holiday Inn Express and more konk out time for me - missed BW3s!!! argh!
Saturday was a late wedding start and a nice shady park atmosphere of Bruce rhetoric. Before it all started though we went to Walmart (tennis racquets anyone?), Dunham's (where dad got me an expensive $10 putter, ha!), and Joann's (where mom let me borrow a coupon for a scrapbook). Plus, somehow Dad and I got a set of tennis in miraculously! WOOHOOO!!
The reception was quality, golf course held, and golf card playing. And yet it was cut a bit short feeling ready for no more people time. Later that night I got Mom, Grampa, and partly Dad's "Family History" stories for my ancestry book!
Before Mom, Dad, and Gramps headed east yesterday we checked out the Cabin Fever coffee shop - must get all decor for my house. Brunch was quicker than expected at the inlaws, and over when we arrived fashionably wrongly late. Eh.
Also, yesterday's college reunion was a success seeing 4 old buddies and most of their kids too. A highlight though was playing full court (equals 30 feet in length) 8 foot rim bball all day with Casey, his bro in law, bro, dad, and friend. Top it off with 9 - 10 pm tennis with Mavis pal and that's a good day.
Tomorrow we're headed to Cabela's first for a rifle scope, then to a dentist office stop for mom Sanford.
For today to be low key was nice :) We rested and cleaned up, and I got my ring cleaned and checked for its setting. See you soon beegee'ers, see you later Defiancetown on Wednesday!
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