Monday, July 23, 2007

'Twas the night before that 30th year of life marking day! Tomorrow I am more elderly, or senial if you will. Since getting back from Ohio I have been quite the lathargic space cadet to prove that elderly statement true. HA!

It's all good and enjoyable to think of 3 decades of life!

Now......a Movie Review for "Once":

Rating = A, partly due to the Bear Tooth theater scene in such an Anchorage viewing, rating also partly due to needing a good creative process and musical uplift, and a third part due to anticipation and enjoyment of finally seeing it. :)

Overall though, the ending was not desireable and quite abrupt. Being swept up into the passion of the music was, however enough for me and the movie (more so the music) pulled me into it in all the right directions of my own connections and life thoughts - if that makes sense.

Unfortunately the plot was too lacking. To make up for that (?) the actors themselves were enjoyable enough to watch interact.

Ireland! I love it! You must go there to know......There is a spirit of music and soul thoughout Ireland that is unlike any other thing I've seen or felt in my life, and this movie brought me back there. The dinner party where people just sang out whatever they wanted and people clapped - EXACTLY!

In the end, it was all about the music, not to mention the adventure of it raining today as to not work on the property and sloop out off to Anchorage for a pre-birthday celebration! NICE!

Yes, I got the soundtrack. How can you not? Swell Season too prob tomorrow :)

Tomorrow we have friends coming over with an ice cream cake! And secretly right now I thought I was up late enough to get a sneek peek at Dad's fun birthday blog (and mom's? hee,hee - you're okay if not mom :) - but it being 4 am there, I'm too out of it to try waiting another hour or more.

Hope the west coaster siblings are livin' it up! I'm with you in heart at least! :) check ya for now


At 7:26 AM, Blogger Matt said...

Happy Birthday! Bob Marley says HB too!

At 8:02 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Mary!! It was so great getting to celebrate your birthday with you, even though it was a little early. Lucky you, celebrate again! :-)

At 10:20 AM, Blogger Bruce in Alaska said...

Happeeeeeee Birthday

At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


HA! Bob Marley - yikes! - mare


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