Monday, May 03, 2004

Just caught the end of NBC's "10.5" earthquake movie.


Today was a Monday of fastness. Don't blink.

Friday I was "purchased" as a "maid/butler" by a student I do not know. Weird. Yet, she is in the circle of people on my bball and softball team and apparently in cahoots (spelling on that?) with those children.

Word on the street is that I shall be turned into Barbie. #1 thing: straightening my hair and goin' on with the make-up.

News for them: NOT ON YOUR LIFE!

Wearing my hair down would be a complete and utter disruption to my day of teaching. Lots of hoopy la la's going crazy, not to mention the staring. Let's not go there on the "staring" thoughts that I can't deal with.

A hair change is purely a decision of mine, considering it is on my head. I certainly would not be venturing into a realm of cool, new hair ideas in correlation to teen bopper week of craze.

You know the phrase, "mi hair-a, es tu hair-a no no". Well, that is in effect here.

HA! Booya to my adulthood/teacher status giving the clue to that tomorrow morning!

Other teachers are experiencing silly costumes, uni-brow make-up workings, and other clown type make-up dealios.

Anyways, regardless of my hilarious problem with hair, it shall not be ended like so.

Tracey, and/or others who have the school calendar mindset (well is that really anyone else reading this...?) Okay then, so Tracey: this is the breaking point week!

At least for me! We have the fair next week, and then a shopping excursion the next week, and one week before exams! PEACE! THAT'S IT!

Lots of fun things to raise the stakes in the mind against the school focus. Apparently, we're reading Of Mice and Men starting tomorrow. Riiiiight.

One last thing, 99 (ninety-nine) degrees today! Kerman softball tomorrow, must defeat number 1 team and laugh about it afterwards!

Nothing to lose!


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