Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Verizon IN network happened to us last night. Check your emails for the phone numbers ---well fam at least. I presume I would like to give the number to some other friends too. :)

Anyways, it was a nice afternoon yesterday after school. We took the bug to Merced and got a lot of info from AAA on our trip this summer.

And so if you don't know the plan here it is:

1)Oregon coast: camping, cabins, sand boarding, fishing, relaxing, some historic lighthouse/Lewis and Clark scenes.

2)Yellowstone Nat'l Park. COOL! website:

3)Drive across Idaho b/c we've both never been there, hit up some Cabela's stores.

4)Mt. Rushmore for one day and a cool cabin. website:

5)Home to Ohio :) YAH!

6)White Water Rafting with Sanfords in North Carolina. website:


And now I will proceed to tell you all about what I have eaten each day of this week thus far:HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!jk

Here's a feel good sentence from mom's blog: "I meet Bruce at 5 for dinner and a ball game."

So cool!


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