Tuesday, May 11, 2004

"Suha! Hey I had a friend named Suha in high school, Casey!

Hey Casey listen to my amazing pointless one sentence story about a girl named 'Suha' (Araj)."

Last night on Survivor the reunion, I'm walking thru to the kitchen and hear the announcer say, "Let's hear from Sue Hawk, everybody". "Here's Sue Hawk's story, audience, let's welcome her with a round of applause!"

Sue Hawk. Her name was Sue Hawk.

One time we were playing the normal wiffle ball homerun derby in the back of 1040. Then all the sudden we hear humongous fart noises and other odd yellings, followed by intense explosions of laughter and other jeering.

Who, and what, in the world is going on? Shrugged off, and the wiffle continued. Then more and more loud raunchy fart noises obviously made with the fore arm or a flatulent face to hand proportion.

It was our back yard neighbors, Rumsy and Suha Araj. Our first encounter with them, and our best encounter.

We were never friends with them persay, but through the years of BGHS the hilarity remained in the back our heads, and apparently still remiains in my head.

I'll bet if you see one of them on the streets of BG today (no doubt in BG like all other BGHS's, no offense of course) and you mentioned the Edwards to them, they would immediately refer back to their days of fart noise making and ridicule to our innocent wiffle ball homerun derby.

Does it get any better?: Suha, Rumsy, and the Edwards' wiffle ball team.

"That's great it starts with an earthquake ... birds, and snakes, and airplanes..."


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