Friday, July 02, 2004

Wow, not enough sleep in the world happening to me with all the mileage driven and the time zone hopping. It's only going to get more exciting with an England time zone!

So we drove to Defiance here yesterday all day from a Cabelas in Minnesota. An average of 12-14 hours a day for the last 4-5 days, well I'll claim that at least.

We'll be here till Sunday afternoon due to a cousin's wedding tomorrow. Plus, the entire Sanford siblings from 2 generations will be out and about this Defiance world! WHOA!

I'm happy to be home. Ahhhh!

So I've read many blogs and it was great to get caught up!

JENNY! SO TOTALLY YES TO CEDAR POINT! Casey and I were just discussing how a trip to the water park would be sweet (b/c he's not a ride kid with old neck injuries). I'll call you today (Friday).


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