Sunday, June 27, 2004

Who's reading this?

Had you given up on these summer reports!?

We just got done exploring Yellowstone National Park, and it was beautiful. They had mountains a plenty with "lodgepole (evergreen) trees", yet they also had many, MANY sulfur beds and hot geiser springs. You know with scalding water, do not touch, no, no.

Of course, this is the world of Old Faithful, and we watched it gloriously shoot up in the air! The loads of people who gather around to watch and photo the event were quite funny looking to me. What a phenomenon!

The neatest thing about Yellowstone is that it is the first nat'l park in the world! Thus, they have lots of cool old, historic pictures and stories and forts and signs and buildings. YES!

We spent all day there driving thru, hiking a little (with the Old Faithful Inn and the the old geiser itself), but mostly driving through down south to Grand Tetons Nat'l Park!

This is a majorly jagged mountain range, with activities and events we haven't quite explored yet. We just arrived you see! It's about 6:30 p.m. here Sunday night (8:30 p.m. for any Ohioans reading) and we have a little cabin that was supposedly used by "actual pioneers".

But that might only be certain cabins, b/c there are a lot of cabins here. It's called Colter Bay Cabins.

Okay, okay. They have this computer in the check in office and the limit is 20 mins. It says, "Please keep it to a minumum of 20 minutes or less. Do not spend an hour on just because someone is not waiting in line".


Well some lady is waiting in line, and the "napping Casey" who drove all day has just arrived with that dog.

Almost every single person we walk by says either outright or under their breathe, "wow, that's a cute dog, that's a pretty dog, wow look at that dog", or just flat out giggly when seeing him slop around giddily like puppies do.

That is not to brag, that is to find the hilarity in predicting what people are going to say and at what timing will they say it. After walking by us, right when they see him, oh it's funny.

Okay gotta go!


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