Good day sunshine. Hot Hot Heat 84 degrees.
That veteran teacher, her husband, and other Eng. co-worker are pretty cool. Layed back, nice, helpful, interested in my weirdness (hee,hee), interested in Casey's Beiring Sea exploits, interested in FCA, leading Bible studies with students after school (yeah it's allowed), one chick is Chase Thomas designer from While You Were Out, one chick is a pure Tricia Wulff.
Wulff you don't read this, I know :( no interneto oh wello
The Eng. Dept is hard-core, SUPER CORE-CO HARD CORE writing based. Like never do anything fun at all ever, you must write perfect professional research paper style essays even in journal time? Puke, for real? My creative writing program is out the window?
On an odd note, I might get to teach a Cinema course, where, you guessed it, they write hardcoreco.
Cinema...that movie Hitch was simple, clean, silly, funny, light, predictable but fun, not even cussing in the blooper/deleted scenes. Recommended for free borrow from library or an easy netflix for an evening on the couch with a magazine and popcorn! Okay maybe not with a magazine - but def. popcorn and probubly a Tuesday night.
Maple colored, light whispy brown siding that looks like wood was choosen tonight with the builder! Cool! We've seen it on another house he built, thus approved, and better in retrospect to how much more "real" cedar siding would have cost :( It would have been cool cedar siding, not 70s sauna wood siding.
But that's neither here, nor there. ...adjflkakdajwoefjadjfklsd hahahahahahahahahaahahahha love that saying.
We found out our loft (although small and shall we say "cute"?) is bigger than we thought. Will have cool banister railings on both sides that look down. One side looks down to entrance - low headspace. The other side is 10' 8" looking down on the great room, middle and the rest of the way to the right has normal and higher headspace with cathedralness.
So, I shall scrapbook now as I have been on a roll of many, many scrapbooks getting done left and right!
And, OH, how I wish I could go back through and bold some topics and pts. in this blog for better scanning and gist! Mac, no no doey.
"Don't be scared of anything at all ... everything we have is all we need ..."
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