Willow Flea Market Success!
HA! It was quite an interesting day. I had to hold my magazine over my face as I burst out laughing at several characters passing through all the sale tables. I can't even remember what was so funny, just silly people, silly expressions, silly realizations of new crowds of people to be a part of.
One lady had all these homeschool magazines to sell and I said, "Oh, so you homeschooled?"
"Yeah, I did, I wouldn't have had it any other way .... you can have those magazines for free if you want ... (more and more sentences here about her life ... and then more) ..."
She was nice and then as I was packing up and she came by to gave me a pilgrimesque somewhat too overboard book on the homeschoolers philosophy with "The Village" type pictures! She introduced herself and we are friends now! HA! Kristie!
Then as I got back from a load of unsold stuff to the truck (only made $19.25, minus $10 for having a table there, minus like $9 for pointless stuff I bought), there's a huge unopened bottle of orange Listerine just sitting there by my other stuff. It has it's seal on it completely and the story goes, "I didn't like the flavor, and I bought one and got that one free" older lady with questionable mulletish world.
Still brand new, and free, and usuable, and all from just asking why she had it, and not really wanting it ...
So if my next blog is about some kind of poisoning trip to the local clinic you'll know why ?
Things I bought were as follows for those who can stomach such a garage sale list:
brand new Christmas wrapping paper, cool brand new gift boxes, some nice tin boxes to hold pictures, bills, whatev, another computer bag for my new school laptop (comp. curteousy of the school district), and 12 fun greeting cards.
So, hey, we're going hiking tomorrow with Casey's new best friend the realtor guy and his wife. Will report on that excitement later!
Okay, I must end on that, but I am excited for fantasy football even though I won't follow it :) Hope Michelle and fam are settling in nicely. Other side note: need to write/call my old pal Mavis.
3 full weeks left of summer!!!!!!
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