Yeah, it's sharp and sleek black with a tight pink armband. Light and cute and easy to run with!
Nano. I must have you!
Had a good day of Speech class lessons. Just something I came up with in 5 mins. with group work and everything. Let these few sentences serve as a reminder to the best lesson plans - they come from procrastination and from literally 5 mins. of prep./5 more to type and whaahhla!
Had a good din din of Arby's and here's a better topic:
OUR HOUSE HAS A SEPTIC. So Casey and I took turns using it tonight. It works well. Jk.
Yesterday it was a huge gapping hole and now today the septic is in with the dirt smoothed flatly over it. NICE!
Casey has been going gaga about all the birch lumber we get to keep from our land clearing. He found out today that we can take it to a certain lumber yard and they treat it, kiln dry it, and formulate it into wood floor tung and groove planks! These birch wood floors are rumored to have an absolutely beautiful finish and extreme wear, tear, durability.
In addition to that, Casey looks to build a smoke house, outdoor bbq, log shed, small log cabin and so on. There are many teachers who work construction in the summer either for real or for themselves.
As for Mary's brain: I must start an adventure race club and events.
I must. I will. I hope.
There's something called "Push, Paddle, Puddle" race and it sounds so cool! I haven't looked it up yet, but it involves cross country skiing (push), kayaking (paddle - like perhaps on our Willow Creek which is often canoed), and mt. biking (of course peddle). SOUNDS SWEET! Gotta find out more!
By the way if I haven't mentioned this really officially, there are paved biked trails all along the Parks Highway which offer enjoyable hills, clean easy riding for 35 miles and back! AND THE SIGHTS ARE AMAZING! You go up and down through the forest a bit but you are near the highway (still safely) with civilization. I know I've mentioned biking before, but today in the sunshine it was especially beautiful.
Matt and Tracey (and Santa Cruz'ers) remember 65 miles of biking!??!?!?! OH MY!??
Everybody eat more greens! That's my last second thought for the day! :)
And so I must sleep now. bye bye
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