Sunday, August 05, 2007

First August Post.

20 strawberries bourne! And they are so very, very good. Casey wants to plan a humongous field of them on our new property. Our other property building timeline is as follows for those interested: get land surveyed, marked, and layout building site this fall. Next summer, clear out trees, make driveway, put up LARGE fenced front yard for dogs and garden, put a well, septic and build a garage with 12x30 3 floor apartment on side of it (counting basement). Live there for 1-3 years until actual house building, unattached next door to garage/apartment. All log building!

Lately, days have been filled with sleeping, playing catan with friends, going to Anchorage for movie and shopping, searching for berries on our property, and just flat out milling around in enjoyment. Got lunch type groceries and school clothes rolling, necessary "ready for school" activities.

Bourne Ultimatum: B+
Saw it yesterday at the Fireweed Theater: Loud, fast, choppy, intense, recapped other 2 movies well, predictable, lots of slap noise-can't really see fighting and car wrecks, enjoyable, worth seeing in theater, might be less satifying at home, would see again only with other two prior to in the same night if I had the strength. Fun to see European city scenes as usual for me, and I must note I saw it on only 4 hours of sleep - most likely a major factor in viewage review.

Tomorrow we actually are going into school for me to meet the new English teacher in our dept., and for Casey to see if he gets his own room. Our newly (4 year old) built school is so nice but poorly, poorly planned in sizing, especially the elementary type gym size! Anyways, Casey was going to have to share (common for special ed smaller classes), but might not have to! WOO!

Rain, rain go away! It's been cloudy and rainy literally for 2 and 1/2 weeks straight! Argh! Need to have Indian summer sunny days at least before school starts which is August 15 for teachers, August 20 for us. By the way they took my tennis net down at the elementary school here! NOOooooooo!!!!!!

Countless 1960s buildings and signs in Anchorage. Good thing it's labeled like so, I was going in there for tires, but I guess not.


At 5:38 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

bourne strawberries! haha magnificent! i can't wait to see the progress and hear more plans about the new property and building. how exciting! school is starting here soon too. i have gradstep starting the 13th, and then classes the 20th. ugh! school again! :-P

At 1:23 PM, Blogger Bruce in Alaska said...

I like Casey's hat!

At 12:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

go get 'em Shelby!


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