Monday, January 12, 2004

Okay then! Monday happened.

Right now, I'm working online trying to figure how to spend $ 5 - 0 - 0 BUCKAROOS...on school stuff though of course.

Boombox, DVD/VCR, DVD's of books and short stories we read. Sure some Uniball roller pens all colors, yeah Office Depot will be purchased in full.

That weekend was a blur of just flat out relaxing and continuing that chill factor roll over from holiday time.

Looking forward to: seeing Big Fish (on video), Passion & Return of the King (in theater), our game tomorrow in the mts., hearing from dad in Fla., seeing Colts win, being on couples Fear Factor (jk, but that would be cool), SAN DIEGO THIS WEEKEND!

What about Great Race or Amazing Race (or what is that one show, you (Tracey) and Michelle were going to do?

I want to do some sort of fun outdoor challenge, even if it's not on TV. When we have acreage (love that word, spelling?), I will make up competitions and get people to do them with me...I hope someone will.

Yeah, so hey everyone there's a half marathon to run next Sunday! OH..MY!


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