Thursday, August 19, 2004

The FCA leaders met tonight to pray over the school. It was short and sweet, and neat.

How nice, feel good, God is good, this is true.

There are many thoughts, however, going on in my mind about God, the Iraq and world sitches, the here and now, the Chowchilla, the America, the future, the good children of the Lord, the evil, the scary, the Good, the Mighty, the Powerful, the Almighty, the Triumphant, the One thing, the Truth.

The students had to write about Iraq today. Only a few shared---and the rest conveyed an unbiased, unknowing, and/or uncaring mood. Maybe it was that they had to write in English class, on the 4th day of school, on a 101 degree day.

But I think they are, we Americans are, a lot of people are, really sorely mistaken about the world in all aspects. Mistaken about the Lord's sovereignty in it all.

Christians too, and I say this in regards to a holy war, a new way of living, a new and not necessarily good (in the world's eyes) future, a new way of trusting God.

I dunno, I don't know, this world...

Don't follow my train of thought? It's an over exposed media trail of political mumbo jumbo and tangled web weaving of evil, that's really boiling me down to either yes or no.

Yes Lord.

Or no.

Everyday, every choice. And I'm leaning YES, over and over again. I don't know how, but I'm hopping on.

I desire more of It. His spirit is drawing us to Him daily. Say yes!

It's not rocket science desperation, feeling, deciding, figuring.

It's yes or no. Thus I'm tired of religion this night. Not mad at church, or at FCA, or at organization.

But mad at the reflection of religion in people's eyes, in their words, in their spirits. As opposed to the reflection of Grace. Truth. Trust, and Peace.

"Neither death, nor life, nor present, nor future, nor depth, nor heigth can keep us from the love of Christ that put on flesh to dwell with us in the beginning." Sara Groves lyrics from "The Word"


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