Monday, November 08, 2004

Muddy Buddy Report:

The first mile was STRAIGHT up hill and I pushed the bike, rather than ride it. I thought the rest of the race was going to be this difficult and started getting mad!

The runners were beating the bikers up the hill!

Tracey caught up to me and helped me push it!

After that, and a little more up hill, it was the funnest race ever! A lot of it was down hill, and me getting to do 3 of the miles on bike, IT WAS COMPLETELY AWESOME!

I was wondering if Tracey got to do any downhill fun, b/c I thought I was hogging it all!

Some of the gears I couldn't get working, so I was a little timid on the downhill. Other than that it was so awesome adrenaline pumping speed, with the wind watering my eyes. It was that fast! Think faster though!

There were 4 obstacles in between mile markers. One was a low net crawl (got our helmets caught on it every 2 seconds), one was monkey bars (the easiest), one was a triangle net crawl up and over thing, one was a high net climb on a blow up slide!

The last one was amazingly straight down on a slide after climbing quickly up the netted wall.


Don't forget that we had a foot deep mudd pit to army crawl through before the finish! OH! MAN! I absolutely loved last weekend!

Thanks for being my teammate Trace! And thanks to Matt, Kelly, and Spivey for cheering us on, and waiting forever through the clean up and awards/raffle deal!

I want to go over to this state park with Casey sometime, to bike it with him.

On a different note: I started basketball tryouts tonight!

It went very smoothly and nicely. It was just me and about 20 tryer-outters. I think I'll only have 11 players this year. There's not many young girls trying out, which is fine with me.

Only 2 more days of work for us this week! Veteran's Day Thurs, and a Friday off!


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