Got a Tunis postcard yesterday! WOOOOOO!!! GREAT!
So into Rilo at this juncture.
Bo'ey has been a funny guy lately. He wants to just sit in the living room with us at night (of course as opposed to his prison barriers!).
Anyways, so once he is allowed he is so excited and hugs us, yet then mysteriously sneeks away as fast as he can to get his favorite chewing bone. Then he plops down in the middle of the floor to just chill and be a part of the family.
HA!HA! Wish you could witness it, b/c that descript does it no justice!
MAN! I have the hiccups! It's literally from trying to get a free ipod online. "Such a scam, such a shunder" (Dolores O'Riordan quote there - Cranberries).
It some how gets like $200 of your money with some sign up deal, blableeblonka. So I shall just keep my sights on purchasing it myself. Duh.
Mom, on a certain secret quilting project, I've been cutting away!
There was about 5 inches of an unsewn section, so now I get to actually do that and say I was a part of the creation! HA!
"HA! And you're an English teacher!" - this quote kept happening to me today for some reason.
I would assume that it is due to no restraint on the sloppy words that formed out of mouth all day. I keep sleeping in till 7:45 A.M. and have to get to school by 8:00. All dilerious, you know.
(previously today I wrote the belowness...)
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