Friday, May 20, 2005

I'm so into the "Big Band & Swing" music channel on DirectTV. It's so ... well I don't know the word ... nostalgic and dinner party and peaceful sounding.

The good old days! Or something like that. Billie Holiday and all that coolness.

Well, there's 7 DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT!

Good to see some good blogs out there.

We didn't have school today b/c of fair, but we went to work anyways b/c we get our per dium (sp?) pay.

Tomorrow, we go get the truck top installed on the truck so that it will be transformed into a sleeping quarters on the drive north.

The plan is that Casey and Tommy sleep in there, and I sleep in the 2 seating row of the truck cab. Nice! Bo will sleep by himself in the back of the Jeep with no backseat. Sounds good.

We'll probubly drive 13-16 hours a day or more!

Anyways, I'm packing some tonight b/c I got some new boxes to fill.

I found out today that my new G4 needs a battery replacement b/c the factory one has caused 6-8 fires out of the 3 million they sold (#'s sort of made up by me).

That kind of stinks. But I guess I will only be able to use it on the drive up until the battery runs out (plus one recharge at the Seattle La Quinta Inn we'll stay at). We won't stop at any other hotels the whole rest of the way.

Well, my words are boring me, so I best leave you to your weekend!


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