In my opinion, and in my backwards way of tricking myself that we're almost done with school...
...THIS is the last real week of school! YAHOOOOO!
Now I shall bore you with why:
1)Next week fam here, no cares on work
2)Next, next weekend a 65 miler distracts any work thought for sure excitement
3)After bike time, we have a 3 & 1/2 day week due to the fair!
4)Review for exams week, then exams week to end it all out!
So, I worked too hard at work today. Lots of reading and leading discussions on prejudice. It's good stuff though, so let's not complain :)
Exercise ball kicked my butt! I did literally 2 sets of 10 just reaching all the way back sit ups (well with an 8 lb. medicine ball) and I'm seriously sore! Picture that Ablounger deal, and it's the same motion - full range of motion. So that's hilariously bad to get so sore!
I recommend anyone with a medcine ball (or not with one to invest the $11 @ Walmart for one) to do just 10 every other day! Killer!
Anyways, I finally worked out today. Yet it was running 2 miles. Both my bike tires (and Casey's even) have a flat back tire. And our bike pump is completely vanished!
Thursday or Friday I'm looking to get over to Merced for the road tires installed (rather than the mt. bike fatties). Fingers crossed on it making me a better biker. I just want a whole new bike! DANG IT!
Happy May all yous!
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