Monday, July 26, 2004

1£ 60 p (spoken as "1 pound, 60 pee) is what this internet cost for 1 hour. 

We're spending our last day in Edinburgh with some light shopping--some heavy hiking/walking.  The streets are like San Fran, b/c this city is built on 7 hills.

Speaking of hills this one called Holyrood Hill looked like fun to hike to the top of, so I went for it this morning by myself.  Thinking it was way up and just around another way up, I found out it was really a series of many, MANY hills. 

It was great to hike!  Exhilerating to be above the city and see all across Scotland, well for 25 miles maybe.  The sea here is like Alaska's, nice in summer, violent in winter--and  a grey mysterious murkiness as well.

Yesterday we toured Edinburgh Castle which was orignially started in like the 1100's.  It was crazy to hear how many times it had been conquered, then reclaimed, conquered, then reclaimed---like by Vikings, English, and Romans.

We were really tired yesterday, I guess from the trip catching up to us.   So we not only slept in till 1 p.m. --after the castles, a high percentage of us took another 5 hour nap.   After our naps till 10 p.m. Mike, J, and I went to The Tass (a pub) for a hang out time of writing and relaxing.

Oh side note dad --James Taylor played here at this pre-festival last night.  35£ per ticket = $70! WHOA!  We could here it all through the city and from our dorm.  The real festivals start next week here, I cannot imagine the busyness of this city by then.  It's  a Jazz festival, then movie festival, then rock music, all right after another.

Anyways, mom spotted us a surprise snacky dinner last night with a french roll of bread, fresh ham and cheese.  It was the most amazing delight and so satifying.  So her and I bought some more for lunch just now.

Mike and J are galavanting around to the theatre to take in another foreign (or maybe not foreign) movie.  Tomorrow morning we'll train ride it through the farm land Nebraskian like countryside--yet with sprinkles of old castle ruins and many country homes and villages + the sea for part of the way. 

We're headed 3 hours to York, where we'll stay 2 nights at a B&B!  This should be sweet b/c it's still a castley walled city---picture walls of Jericho maybe?  I'll let you know when we get there.

Enough ramble for now, these get long winded no doubt--cheers!

p.s. the keyboard here has a £ (pound) sign in the place of the @ sign, different, irritating.


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