Tuesday, July 20, 2004

WOOO!! We're in downtown London!  Crazy!
The flight was pretty fast, yet the sleep in the middle 5 seats that we 5 occupied was so UGH!  Not to mention a soccer fleet of teenager dudes going to Manchester England, who stood up every 10 minutes to greet each other and talk and laugh loud.
Oh sorry, glad I got that out though.
Right now we're in Trafalgar Square which is a mega shopping metropolis area, and it's right by the theatre district.  If I get my way we'll go to Mama Mia at one of the theatres tomorrow :) It's hopefully only $30 (Ahhhh! exchange rates are crazy bad and confusing).
Anyways, Mike and J were on a computer away from mine here and it got 130 degrees boiling temperature wise so they cut their time short ---thus my time typing of this is with 4 lovely fam members hovering over and waiting patiently :)
Tomorrow we plan to hit the Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Wimbledon (yes this is my doing), WWII Churchhill war room, some castles and palaces, and London Bridge tour area.  You get on a tour bus and get on and off whenever you want for the whole day.  Mom and I are the real troopers on this motivation I think---but hopefully jet lag will wear off soon!
We all can't wait to get out in the country and see the beauty and peace of their countryside!  Wow, this London is so busy!  It looks like a full fledged out of control Toronto but way more impressive and amazing architecture.  I love it and I'm going crazy with the digd cam!

Too exciting!  Talk to this and you all soon I hope! 


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