Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Today I cussed during coaching time in the gym.

I said the word "poop" twice.

Almost simultaneously, in a row.

My severe disappointment in a tip/layup drill was solidified into excruciating anger and the word slipped out.


"Do it again, you gotta get it this time", Coach Sanford says as the young children attempt to jump, catch, and throw the ball off the back board in a tip formation.

"Make the layup at the end, MAKE THE LAYUP!"


Lotta "Ppp" at the end too. It was blatant. Real blatant and crudely opening their innocent little eyes to the caliber of coach that stood before them that day in the crispy winter gym.

Well, it didn't really go all dramatically like so....but

Dad, I have my ideas on your list from today:

1. No...Worldwide trip in a steamer ship (neat idea too scary/not enough control by me ;)

2. Yes (only to give to you or Justy) to...Lifetime season tickets to the Astros games

3. Hmm..would I have to read this...Complete collection of original first editions of everything C S Lewis wrote

4. AWESOME YES!to...Building a home in Kenya with satellite tv and internet access

5. DOUBLE AWESOME YES!to...Move to Colorado and build a log cabin home

6. Sure on...Buying enough lottery tickets to guarantee a 100m jackpot

7. Would be cool to...Finance Justin's first Hollywood movie

8. Another scary NO to...Compete in a hot air balloon race to Alaska

9. Not so much to...Fund the Chargers new stadium in Ocean Beach

10. No way to...just move...Pay someone to excavate your basement. ;)

NOW! Let the job hunt begin! What a communicating day this was!

I had to email my old Evergreen principal, and in doing so, I slopped in some quick hello's into other Evergreen pal email accounts.

Side baringly, a few Defiance College emails had to be transacted and coincided with immediate answers of hello, how are ya, how duyya do type of deals from those administrative adults.

Adults, who inevitably know my name at least from the glory days of ball.


Then this afternoon while waiting for my "pedittle" (spelling of one head light out?) to be fixed, I gabbed with my old pal Jen Mav as well as TV (other pal from DC).

I get home to embrace my pizza making permanent boyfriend named Casey, and Joan Edwards calls me! After a gab with her and Brucey, another Brucey calls.

Yeah, Gramps, and I'm talking immediately after I push the hang up thing.

Peace for now. Happy HannukChristmaQuanzMas to you all! Heh, HA! I just saw a funny commercial mixing all the holidays into one song greeting!


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