Monday, December 13, 2004

Year in Review

Tonight I'm thinking about how I shall compile my entire 2004 blog onto Microsoft word - well really I'm thinking of how I get to compile it into my nice new red and silver necklace that transports data to and fro computers!

;) to dad on that one! I feel like Get Smart or Inspector Gadget, Austin Powersly like so!

Speaking of, I know for sure that an Austin Powers DVD set will be a big seller next Christmas. Mark my words. And that would be a fun, and somewhat pointing fingers to the 3rd one, shameful ownership on my behalf one day.

So, the year in reviews! First of all Justin, thanks for starting that tradition! WOO! Good for all, good for personal reasons, good for family records. Yeah, I'm all about the family recording. Too fun with scrapbooks, and now our actual thoughts!? NICE!

I found my first and 2nd YIR in my many piles of trying to get organized before Casey's pal Ben gets here Sunday.

My first one was expectantly unorganized and drab. My 2nd one was too short, yet funnily set to Chantel Kreviazuk's song, "This Year".

By the way, that somehow reminds me: I want copies of everyones this year. The last 2 years I have cut and pasted the blog postage and that's fine for this year.

I'm just mad at myself for not more efficiently printing them off each year!

Anyways, I'm getting my YIR rolling this week!

Here's some movies I want to see/own one way or another:
1. The Incredibles (yah, silly :)
2. National Treasure (cheese sure)
3. Ocean's 12 (even though I heard it was boring)
4. Finding Neverland (ah, pleasant)
5. Aviator (hope it doesn't disappoint - I'm into it for some reason)
6. The Village! LOVED every minute of it! (comes out in January)

Well, thanks to dad tonight, this blog was brought to you by the Neverland Soundtrack. Very good! It reminds me of Amelie, Christmas, good family times, Chocolat, and Fazoli's all at the same good time.

If you could imagine all that rolled into a nice little packaged ball of a cd. Beautiful! Farewell, tata, tuttles for now :)


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