Saturday, November 27, 2004

I really enjoyed the Lake Arrowhead cabin and time with the fam this week!

It was so snowy, and yet beautifully sunny and pleasant! AND...SNOWBOARDING! YES!

YES, yes, yes!

I was impressed with how quickly Matt, Tracey, and Mike got into the flow of that sweet sport! You need to come up to the mts. by us for more adventure with that!

The cabin was neat. Odd. But, neat. I loved the crackling fireplace. It was a total prelude to our Alaskan dreams unfolding as we speak! 6 more months! WOW!

Mom, thanks for trying to teach us to knit. We were quite silly, but you were an amazing teacher. Again sometime? Or maybe I'll surprise you by teaching myself sometime? I wish....maybe.

Last night was fun, just laughing together and sitting around. I wish we could have had more time together. Have you watched the video of our game time yet Dad? I should have gotten up and set my new camera up for that too.

Right now, Casey is watching football and enjoying more vacation time like so. We got home in about 6 hours, and passed the time planning our cabin (with those fresh ideas of "what not to do" from the Arrowhead time).

It has come to my attention to have a side business of shirt making for local schools. I'm going to do more research on this topic - as far as screen printing, and even embroidering. That would be a fun thing! A side thing to teaching for a few years.

However, writing would the main goal in my mind this second! Wish we could have talked about this topic this weekend dad!

By the way, we absolutely love the camera and video taped some of the other storms and desert we drove through today!

I'm checking out my new music from Matt, Dad, and Mike. Talk to you Animalas later!


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